Saturday, November 04, 2006

Deceptive Mailer

I Received the most deceptive election mailer yet today. It's called the "Voter information guide for Democrats". It says, "Use this when you vote." It lists all the Democratic candidates running. It actually has a picture of the current U.S. Senator asking you to support their position on a particular proposition. So far so good. Then you get to a list in red of all the propositions on the ballot. And guess what, these positions may or may not be held by members of the Democratic party. These are positions I suspect are held on propositions by special interest groups or large corporations who likely hired this firm to assure their success. What I really wanted to show is the disclaimer, It's hilarious. "Notice To Voters-this document was prepared by voters information guide, not an official political party organization. Appearance in this mailer does not necessarily imply endorsement by others appearing in this mailer, nor does it imply endorsement of or opposition to any issues set forth in this mailer. Appearance is paid for and authorized by each candidate and ballot measure designated by an*. Not paid for or authorized by candidates not designated by an *. Candidates for non-partisan office chosen without regard to party affiliation." What the %&@&. The thing is called a, Voters guide for Democrats, right. The more I read it the more confused I get. There are * by three of 16 candidates names . These are Superior court candidates. There are also * by 11 of 13 State Propositions. I haven't a clue. Unfortunately I'm sure a whole lot of people will grab it on the way out the door trying to simplify the process. And the rest is history. Well I couldn't take it so I called the U.S Senators office and spoke to a man who identified himself as the campaign manager. A little surprising I'd get him but anyway he said they were aware of it, called it fraudulent, said he was on the phone all morning with lawyers and the press over it. He said thank you and suggested calling my local newspaper which I did, two in fact and was never called back. They wonder why there is a low voter turn out.

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