Tuesday, November 07, 2006

election experience

I just got back from voting. For the first time I felt a bit concerned about the safety of my vote. Maybe because there seemed to be a lot of effort being put into making me feel there was nothing to worry about. This is a worry that is different than whether or not the people you want to win do so or not. This is having the problem that you pity third world countries for having. Very disconcerting.
Well, I voted as I usually do, some Democrats some Republicans but no libertarians, Independents or others. I no longer see the point in casting a vote for someone who can't win and don't want to jeopardize the chances of someone who can. I started doing this after 1996 when I did vote for Ross Perot. This is a compromise I'm willing to accept. I am completely sympathetic with Ralph Naders opinion about the 2000 election but I can't help but wonder about what would have happened had he given his support to Senator Gore.
This election is an important one and I was very relieved to have it over with. I felt I did a responsible job studying all the information I could get my hands on. That said , I think there is probably still half an ocean between what I think I know and reality.
Some of the winners will find themselves there perfectly suited to perpetuate the status quo and want nothing more. Fooled again. Some will run at it hard, make a lot of enemies and get quarantined until they learn the art of back scratching. Tethered to nothing. Some will even get so drunk on power that they risk it all for lavish digs or a yacht and get sent to the big house. Wrong house fortunately. But, every once in a while, by some strange nature-nurture conflux we get the complete package. A truly selfless soul whose compass heading is unaltered throughout the term of however long we are lucky enough to have them. They are the ones who actually do want to leave the world in as good a shape as possible for future inhabitants. They're efforts are tempered by that goal. They wont be perfect but they will make a lasting change and that change will be good. Lets hope there is one of them in this lot.

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