Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Time to re-group

When it comes to political speeches, if it starts sounding like a different way to say the same thing, then chances are it's stopped working. Senator Obama tried to use the same stump speeches perhaps a week longer than he should have. In states where his message needed to be as fresh as possible it wasn't and the Clinton and McCain campaigns assertion of empty words was able to take root.
It's probably due to fatigue but when your strategy includes, if it ain't broke don't fix it, you had better be sure of it.
Re-invention can be risky but not as risky as what just happened in Texas and Ohio. Never underestimate our tendency to cut people down to size when they get ahead and remember who he's running against, a prominent political figure who not too long ago was the presumed heir to the throne.
Time to dig deep and find some more of what you are before any more people start to question it.

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