Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obamas Epic Speech

Reading the opposing commentary to Senator Obamas speech reminded me of why I chose the title of this blog. Actually I wanted In Simple Terms but that was already taken.
The analysis sounded like Christopher Hitchens discussing a Fellini movie with Camile Paglia! It made my head hurt. Senator Obamas opponents likely burnt far more midnight oil attempting to find fault with his speech than Senator Obama burnt writing it.
This is because only a lesser intellect with a mission in mind would take on such a speech. They came at it from every angle, reverse engineering it, then representing it as some sort of evil doctrine.
The lengths they went to neutralize this speech could only have come from people who seriously fear more than just the influence that Reverend Wright has had on Senator Obama. This is politics, designed to capture and sway each and every remaining malleable voter. There was something for everybody, a dispute de jour. It was a side campaign that clearly showed that their most determined intentions will be a formidable obstacle for Senator Obama.
About the speech? In Simpler Terms, the best I've ever heard. No reasonable human being would deny that it was brilliant.

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