Tuesday, December 18, 2007

This is Un-American

Dear Iowans, please sense what has now begun. I realize that I have no business in your affairs but your decisions will effect me and the rest of the country to such a degree that I can't resist. Senator Bob Kerry for all intents and purposes is a New Yorker. He has pledged his allegiance to Senator Clinton and his soul was sold before your eyes as he began to carry out his orders to win at all cost.
Here is how the good soldier Senator began his mission. After stepping off the stage where he just announced his support for Senator Clinton, speaking about Clintons chief rival he said, "The fact that he's African American is a big deal. I do expect and hope that Hillary is the nominee of the party. But I hope he's used in some way. If he happens to be the nominee of the party and ends up being President, I think his capacity to influence in a positive way without spending a penny, the behavior of a lot of under performing black youth today is very important, and he's the only one that can reach them" He continued, "It's probably not something that appeals to him, but I like the fact that his name is Barrack Hussein Obama, and that his father was a Muslim and that his paternal grandmother is a Muslim. There's a billion people on the planet that are Muslims and I think that experience is a big deal." He added, He's got a whale of a lot more intellectual talent than I've got as well."
Then when responding to question from CNN's John King about his point he said these things are attributes that he was highlighting. He also said that Sen. Obama and his family had chosen Christianity giving the impression that they had converted.
Of course this is all political deceit. It could not be more obvious and it begs the question, do they really believe we are that stupid? I believe many of them do and it insults me to no end.
Folks, this is how dirty the Clinton camp plays the game and if you believe that two weeks before the Iowa Caucus, on the day he gives his endorsement to Sen.Clinton, that Sen.Kerrey is using this basket of words to praise Sen.Obama then you are simply not going to receive better leaders or a better Government.
Since Monday he has continued this assault using his praise cover to mention Islamist schools, Secular Madrassas, Muslim Manchurian candidates and Sen. Obama's middle name, Hussein repeatedly. All I can say is how does a man sleep at night who does such deeds by day?

If this doesn't convince you consider the following. This is what our leadership has been and will look like if the Clinton's get their way.
1988 Bush
1992 Clinton
1996 Clinton
2000 Bush
2004 Bush
2008 Clinton
2012 Clinton (highly probable)
28 years of two families. That's anything but American.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

What else could happen

What a bad time to take a break. There has been so darn much stuff in the news. This must be excruciatingly painful for the striking writers. Especially the ones who do comedy. Little pearls lost forever, the falling trees that were never heard. Boo-hoo!
Anyway, allow me to catch up with some bullets.The Chavez dictatorship bid was gloriously rebuked. Don Imus slithered back, but to buy in he sells out. Senator Clinton's brilliant political machine throws a rod. Their bag of slime tactics against Obama implodes, exposing for good what they're really made of. Obama's kindergarten presidential aspirations and drug use may end up being Clinton's "screaming Dean" moment. Two Clinton workers quit over phony e-mails saying Obama is Muslim (still beating that dead horse) and another high level operative resigns over the Obama drug use flap. Sen. Clinton apologizes to Sen. Obama on a tarmac no less. The horror of it all! Poor Hillary.
Former President Clinton seems to keep lapsing into the belief that it's he that's running, but sadly, any way you cut it, he seems to have lost the magic.
On the positive side Sen. Obama may have had his Reagan, "I will not make age an issue..." debating Mondale moment, when saying to Sen. Clinton, "Hillary, I'm looking forward to having you advise me as well," cooling her laugh track sounding jets over a question about having ex-President Clinton operatives working on his campaign. She knows now that not only can he think on his feet but she's likely to get burned anytime she tries that tactic again.
Now to our lamest of duck presidents. National intelligence estimates don't matter to him. Damn the torpedoes! How about his press secretary who admits she didn't know what the Cuban missile crisis was. Beyond comprehension! And under court order not to discard evidence of detainee torture, the Bush administration's CIA destroyed video tapes of it's harshest interrogation tactics. It almost makes you wonder had they not told them not to destroy the tapes whether they would have. Maybe it's that old youthful, rules are meant to be broken thing they're motivated by! Then you have talk of Paul Wolfowitz being brought back. I'm speechless.
Now we find out that 2 years ago operation "brain drain" was ordered by the White House and was launched by the CIA against Iran to get high level Iranian scientists to defect in an effort to curtail work on their nuclear programs. This is cold war type stuff and It's as old as the hills but they only managed to recruit seven people. They can't even get this stuff right and it's probably a sign of how laughable Bush has made us. Were like a bunch of Neanderthals the world is speeding by. By hanging onto old defunct policies we are ever becoming less significant on the world stage and all we can do is wait for it to end. Can you imagine not having term limits, even Venezuela has now been enlightened.
Why is the notion of a shrinking world or call it a global community so utterly distasteful that they resist it it all costs? Why is a perpetual locked-horns-with the-world plan seem viable to them? One can only guess as they continue to sell their personal pathology to us by quickly translating everything as a threat to national security. Drop the national and the statement becomes pretty much true and guess what? That's how it feels to be alive and human. A few words that do work well together that they might consider are firm-but-fair.